Am I Ready for Jesus?

Lately, I find myself thinking a lot about spiritual readiness. Jesus frequently used the words asleep and awake to describe our spiritual readiness.  Just before Jesus was betrayed he told his disciples that they would all fall away. Then Jesus told them, “This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for... Continue Reading →

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#7 Who Is Jesus?

Who is Jesus? This is a complicated question to answer. History tells us that Jesus was a man who lived 2000 years ago and started a religious movement that is still alive and well today. He was born into the world and later died by crucifixion. These established historical facts document the humanity of Jesus.... Continue Reading →

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#6 Did Jesus Really Rise From the Grave?

Did Jesus really rise from the grave? This question has been debated since the empty tomb was discovered. There have been several different theories to account for the missing body of the crucified Jesus. One theory is that Jesus' disciples stole his body. Anticipating this possibility, however, the Jewish leaders demanded an official Roman sealing... Continue Reading →

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#3 What Did Jesus Teach?

What did Jesus teach? Jesus taught things that were very revolutionary for the time. He showed special regard for those who were overlooked or rejected by others by teaching equality among all of God's children. The following scripture translated by the Message Bible explains the heart of his message in our modern language: “You’re blessed... Continue Reading →

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Are Christians Too Sheltered?

Christians, as a whole, come from widely diverse backgrounds and locations. It would be impossible to say that all Christians live sheltered lives, but in America many Christians do fit this description. In fact, some Christians have experienced little else. They raised sheltered in a Christian home surrounded by Christian friends while attending Christian schools.... Continue Reading →

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